Latest News
Northwood Tech BPA students shine at Wisconsin BPA State Leadership Conference, secure national advancement.
Northwood Tech received funding from the USDA Rural Development, Rural Utility Services Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant as part of the NWECS-ERVING Collaborative Distance Learning Initiative to update video and audio equipment.
The Rice Lake Campus recently opened a campus food pantry dubbed Blaze’s Cupboard. Blaze’s Cupboard is meant to provide dry and canned food options for students in need of food assistance.
Northwood Tech's gerontology program achieved national accreditation, demonstrating alignment with the Accreditation for Gerontology Education Council's standards after a lengthy process.
Northwood Technical College is announcing grant awards from the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) for seven students for the spring 2024 semester.
Northwood Tech has received funding from the USDA Rural Development, Rural Utility Services Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant as part of the NWECS-ERVING Collaborative Distance Learning Initiative.
Northwood Technical College’s information technology – cybersecurity specialist program is now recognized by the U.S. government as a Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) by the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) program.
The 2023 Vets Ready Employer Award honors employers like Northwood Tech for their exemplary commitment to hiring and supporting veterans.
Northwood Tech President - Collegewide
The president oversees all campuses and outreach centers.
View Headshot, Role and Biography
College Leadership Team
The College Leadership Team assures achievement of the College’s strategic goals through integrated divisional planning and implementation.