There have been reports of some people not receiving the College's emails since the email domain changed to “northwoodtech.edu." Please check for emails from Northwood Tech by searching for the “northwoodtech.edu” domain in your spam and junk folder. Businesses and organizations can ask their IT department to add our domain to the “whitelist." Students and personal emails: mark Northwood Tech emails as “safe” or “not junk/spam.”


Frequently Asked Questions from Alumni

  1. What do I put on my resume for education? WITC or Northwood Technical College?
    Use the new college name but reference WITC. An example would be "Attended Northwood Technical College (formerly known as WITC) from August 2020 to May 2021. 
  2. Is this still my college? 
    Yes! You may have graduated under a different name, but our mission and values remain the same. We are all part of one alumni community.  Industrial, Commercial, Continuing Evening School (1912); Wisconsin Indianhead Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District (1972); Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute (1978); Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (1987); Northwood Technical College (2021). 
  3. What will show on my transcripts? 
    The College's transcript paper contains the Northwood Technical College seal and language referencing Northwood Technical College. For any students with enrollment prior to 8/2/2021, the following statement will print on the student transcript: "Prior to August 2, 2021, the College name was Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College." 
  4. Will the name change affect transcript transfers to other colleges? 
    Courses taken under WITC or Northwood Tech will have the same transferability. 
  5. Will my WITC email still work? 
    Yes, you will receive emails sent to @witc.edu in your @northwoodtech.edu account for the next year. 
  6. Does my college email address expire after I graduate? 
    Yes. Students will still have access to their college email and Microsoft resources for one year following graduation. 
  7. How do I contact a past instructor for a reference? 
    There's a link on the bottom of every webpage titled "Contact Northwood Tech Staff" that will take you to a searchable directory. 

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