Agricultural Power and Equipment Technician Required Courses

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New Richmond

Agricultural Power & Equipment Technician (Spring 2025 - Term 2)

Suggested Course List

Agricultural Power & Equipment Technician (Spring 2025 - Term 4)

Suggested Course List

Agricultural Power and Equipment Technician Required Courses


Agricultural Power and Equipment Technician Required Courses


Agricultural Power and Equipment Technician Required Courses


Program Courses

| 5 CR
This class will provide the learner with an in depth look at how internal combustion engines operate. The learner will be able to identify, measure, and inspect parts of the internal combustion engine, with diesel engines used in agriculture machinery the main area of focus.
| 1 CR
This course will provide the learner with a basic understanding of the diesel engine. The design and operating principles of the engine, cooling, fuel, intake, exhaust systems, and lubrication systems will be examined. COREQUISITE: 32070326 Basic Engines.
| 1 CR
This course will provide a practical understanding of mobile hydraulic components. Their design, application, operation and maintenance will be studied. A hydraulic training bench will be used in the classroom. PREREQUISITE: 32070367 12-Volt Electrical Circuits.
| 1 CR
This course will provide a general overview of clutches, sliding gear, and hydrostatic drives. Design, operation, adjustment, and maintenance will be discussed. PREREQUISITE: 32070366 Advanced Mobile Hydraulics.
| 5 CR
This course will provide an in-depth study of hydraulically operated and controlled transmissions as they are found on various types of farm tractors. You will learn transmission operation by studying manufacturers' service manuals as well as a prepared text. Lab projects will allow hands-on training. PREREQUISITE: 32070366 Advanced Mobile Hydraulics and COREQUISITE: 32070341 Power Train Theory.
| 5 CR
This course provides the student with both a theoretical and practical background in the basic operating and rebuilding principles of diesel engines. The course includes practical experience in rebuilding, testing, troubleshooting, and tuning diesel engines. Additionally, the student will gain experience in the proper use of tools and equipment. If prerequisite courses have not been completed, the student must have consent of the instructor to enroll. COREQUISITES: 32070326 Basic Engines and 32070338 Diesel Engine Theory.
| 5 CR
This course provides an opportunity to work on clutches, transmission torque amplifiers, torque converters, differentials, final drives, and power take-off units. Lab time is spent on disassembly, parts identification, operation, and repair of these units. COREQUISITES: 32070358 Power Trains 1 and 32070341 Power Train Theory.
| 5 CR
This course will provide a broad, general, and practical coverage of fluid power components and their design, application, operation, and maintenance. You will learn hydraulics operation by studying manufacturer’s service manuals as well as a prepared text. Lab projects will allow hands-on training. PREREQUISITE: 32070367 12 Volt Electrical Circuits and COREQUISITE: 32070339 Mobile Hydraulics Theory.
| 5 CR
This course provides an in-depth study on how the basic fluid power components are incorporated into a tractor hydraulic system. This lecture- and lab-based course includes demonstration and practice opportunities. If prerequisite courses have not been completed, student must have consent of instructor to enroll. PREREQUISITE: 32070367 12-Volt Electrical Circuits and COREQUISITES: 32070365 Mobile Hydraulics and 32070339 Mobile Hydraulics Theory.
| 5 CR
This course is designed to study the construction, operation and repair of electrical components and systems used in the agriculture/construction/heavy diesel truck field. Classroom activities will include reading and interpreting wiring diagrams, troubleshooting and repairing electrical circuits, and components (including performing repairs on alternators and starters). Computer based electrical circuits are introduced, with the opportunity to work with diagnostic laptops and scan tools. COREQUISITES: (32070370 12-Volt Electrical Theory and 32070371 Introduction to Live Repair) OR (32404376 DC Automotive Electrical and 32404377 Electrical Systems).
| 1 CR
Mobile HVAC for heavy equipment will teach the learner the basics of air conditioning systems. Air conditioning fundamentals will be learned along with proper servicing procedures and air conditioning equipment used. In depth study of air conditioning systems from older agricultural equipment will be looked at, along with study of new auto temperature control systems. EPA environmental laws pertaining to mobile air conditioning will be examined.
| 2 CR
This course is designed for the learner to understand (12-volt) DC electricity. Classroom trainers along with lab exercises will be used to learn electrical theory. Students will also be introduced to electrical wiring schematic reading, wire harness construction and repair. PREERQUISITE: 32412301 Diesel Safety and Industry Practices.
| 3 CR
This course is designed to familiarize students with the procedures involved in the repair of various types of equipment. Students will gain hands-on experience through the repair of agricultural equipment and over-the-road semi-trucks. The type of equipment varies and must meet the needs of the students and program. PREREQUISITE: 32412301 Diesel Safety and Industry Practices and COREQUISITE: 32070370 12-Volt Electrical Theory.
| 2 CR
This course will introduce students to the safety and legal requirements and common shop practices of the diesel and heavy equipment industry. Personal safety as well as overall shop/job site safety will be emphasized while students learn to operate shop equipment and learn basic repair techniques common to all aspects of the diesel and heavy equipment industry. Skills learned in this course will be directly applied throughout the diesel and heavy equipment technician program.
| 1 CR
This course will provide a broad, general, and practical coverage of electronic engine controls and multiple after treatment systems/emissions operations, components, and trouble shooting. Classroom and lab activities include comparing different engine systems and how they operate, identifying components and locations, and diagnosing problems. PREREQUISITES: 32070361 Diesel Engine Repair and 32070367 12-Volt Electrical Circuits
| 2 CR
Instruction in safe setup and operation of plasma cutting (PAC), oxy-fuel cutting (OFC), SMAW (Stick), GMAW (Mig), FCAW, and/or GTAW (Tig) welding in applications related to general industry practices. Selection of appropriate welding processes with a specific emphasis on typical repair situations including metal identification will be stressed.

General Education Courses

| 2 CR
This basic communication course focuses on effective listening, speaking, reading, and writing in life and at work. Students demonstrate their skills both individually and in groups. Students also produce such employment documents as a cover letter, a resume, and a preliminary job portfolio.
| 2 CR
This course focuses on building effective professional and personal communication skills. Students will practice, prepare, and deliver program-specific written documents, presentations, and interpersonal communication scenarios for diverse audiences. The course also examines the importance of community and engagement, and includes best practices in Computer-Mediated Communication. PREREQUISITE: 32801361 Applied Communications
| 2 CR
This course covers practical applications of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent, proportion, and formula evaluation. The course also includes measurement, U.S. and metric systems of measurement, and basic geometry.
| 2 CR
This course is a continuation of Applied Math. A more thorough coverage of solving equations and rearranging formulas with special applications to formulas used in the mechanical technician programs. Other topics include a study of solid geometry and direct and inverse proportions for work with hydraulics and transmission studies. The course is team-taught with the core instructor and direct application of math skills taught will be assessed in the math class and during time spent with the core instructor. PREREQUISITE: 32804303 Applied Math.

Total Credits: 57


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