Ladysmith Outreach Center offers the following services at its physical location
- GED/HSED testing (certified PearsonVUE test center for GED)
- Accuplacer testing
- Ability to attend online or required on-site classes
- Provide a quite location to study with online classes
- Apply, register and pay for Adult ED, life & leisure, and/or undergraduate class/classes. Students may also register and pay for their classes online with the links below:
- Apply: https://applynorthwoodtech.force.com/TX_SiteLogin?startURL=%2FTargetX_Portal__PB
- Register: https://www.northwoodtech.edu/continuing-education-and-training/registration-and-general-information
- Request Information: https://northwoodtech.secure.force.com/form?formid=217723
- Contact an Advisor: https://www.northwoodtech.edu/about/contact-northwood-tech
For further information, please use the directory below or contact our Rice Lake Campus at 800.243.9482.
- Student Services (General questions and directions) - 715.788.7077
- Financial Aid and Student Loans - 715.788.7213
- Book Store - 715.788.7071
- Admissions Advisor/Undergraduate Programs - 715.788.7144
- Academic Counselors - Dial main number above to be transferred to the appropriate counselor
- Continuing Education - 715.788.7133
- Technology Support - https://myhelp.northwoodtech.edu/home/