Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

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Industrial Maintenance Technician (Fall 2025 - Term 1) - Start 3

Suggested Course List

Industrial Maintenance Technician (Spring 2025 - Term 1) - Start 2

Suggested Course List

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Fall 2024 (Start 1)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Spring 2026 (Start 4)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Fall 2025 (Start 3)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Spring 2023 (Start 2)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Fall 2023 (Start 3)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Spring 2024 (Start 4)

Industrial Maintenance Technician Required Courses

Spring 2025 (Start 2)

Program Courses

| 3 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques.
| 3 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the next level of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442373 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of GTAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442380 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts of electricity. Students will be introduced to basic electrical components such as resistors, switches, indicators, relays, and basic testing equipment. Reading wiring diagrams will be introduced during this course.
| 3 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basics of the programmable logic controllers used in industry. Training in ladder logic, logic gates, Boolean equations, and truth tables will be given. Basic program and troubleshooting will be the focus of this course. COREQUISITE: 32414340 Basic Electrical Theory.
| 3 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the theory of fluid power. The common gas laws will be analyzed. The basic system of a hydraulic unit and pneumatic unit will be the focus of this laboratory-based course. Common applications of different circuits will be explored and constructed.
| 3 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic machines and procedures of machines common to the industrial maintenance industry.
| 2 CR
This course will cover the basic principles of print reading. The emphasis will be on interpreting lines and symbols in single- and multiple-view working drawings. Topics include print reading procedures, sketching, drawing changes, and the reading of prints in maintenance areas of machining, fabrication, piping systems, and welding.
| 2 CR
During this course the student will be introduced to the safety procedures, the common hardware components, and the equipment used in industry for rigging to lift and move machines and equipment. The student will demonstrate industry standard rigging and lifting procedures in a laboratory-based environment.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basics of fabrication processes that are common to the industrial maintenance field along with the tools and components used in these processes. This course is a theory-based course with hands-on lab applications.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to basic plumbing of air, water, and other process systems found in industrial plants. Layout, cutting, threading, and installing these systems will be the focus of this course.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to enable the student to explore the theory of fluid pumping applications common to industry. General troubleshooting and maintenance procedures will be stated and practiced during this competency lab-based course.
| 1 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the applications of bearings and lubrication processes used in industries. Instruction will be given in the basic principles of operations, preventive maintenance, and repair procedures of all bearing types common to industry.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the standard applications of machine leveling and alignment of shafts, couplings, bearings, and machines common to industries. This course will cover several leveling and alignment procedures that meet industry standards.
| 1 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to safety topics required by OSHA for general industries. Safety committees and their function in the workplace will also be discussed. The history of OSHA and the role it plays in industry, along with the roles of all workers and employers toward safety, will be the focus of this course.
| 1 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to the applications of gears, belts, and chain drives used in industry. Instruction will be given in the basic principles of operation, installation, preventive maintenance, and repair procedures of these components to industry standards.
| 2 CR
This course is designed to introduce the student to bulk handling belt conveyor systems common to many industries. While examining the different systems used that make up an effective belt conveyor, the student will design a system of their own. Standard applications, preventive maintenance, repair, and installation of conveyors will be the focus of this course. The screw, flat belt, and roller conveyors will also be examined. A strong background in mechanical drive and fabrication is recommended.
| 3 CR
This course is designed to provide a "real" work-like environment where the student is placed in a team environment to build a conveyor from the design that was created in the conveyors theory class. All welding, machining, and the fabrication of the conveyor will be done by the team. The ordering of parts and components, along with creating a journal of the project, will be a team function. COREQUISITE: 32462321 Conveyors (WBL).
| 2 CR
This course is designed to give the student a chance to apply fluid power system skills in a shop environment. Students will work on projects that will require troubleshooting of fluid systems and components, and construction of fluid systems common to industry. COREQUISITES: 32419301 Hydraulics/Pneumatics, 32462308 Piping Systems, and 32462309 Pump Applications.

General Education Courses

| 2 CR
This basic communication course focuses on effective listening, speaking, reading, and writing in life and at work. Students demonstrate their skills both individually and in groups. Students also produce such employment documents as a cover letter, a resume, and a preliminary job portfolio.
| 3 CR
This technical diploma course begins with a short review of basic arithmetic skills and continues with the application of these skills. Problem solving involving fractional and decimal dimensions is emphasized. The course also includes introductory algebra with emphasis on utilization of formulas including work with signed numbers. First-degree equation solution is also emphasized.
| 2 CR
This technical diploma course is a continuation of Applied Technical Math 1 . Topics covered include the basic geometry of plane and solid figures, right-triangle trigonometry, oblique-triangle trigonometry, and applications of these topics to trade and industry programs. PREREQUISITE: 32804325 Applied Technical Math 1.
| 2 CR
Improve intrapersonal and interpersonal skills in high demand by employers to enhance life-long learning both professionally and personally. Areas that are highlighted include providing excellent customer service in a diverse workplace, working ethically, improving motivation, applying critical thinking skills, and managing difficult situations.

Total Credits: 55


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Anna Kalin

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