From submitting your application to admission to registration, Northwood Tech is available to help guide you through the admissions process. To help you successfully complete this program, Northwood Tech has developed a set of program requirements and technical standards. For students with a disability, reasonable accommodations are available to help you be successful in the program of your choice.
Admission Requirements
The first step to get admitted is to fill out a Northwood Tech application, and Northwood Tech will guide you from there. If you're not quite ready to become a student, visit a campus to get the full Northwood Tech experience. A campus tour will give you the opportunity to meet staff, instructors and students, tour the campus and get a real feel for the campus culture.
- Complete Online application form
- Have earned a high school diploma or GED certificate; current high school seniors must provide both a current high school transcript and a final (official) transcript with confer date
- Review and sign Background Check Disclosure
- Review and sign Functional Abilities Disclosure
- Complete admissions meeting with a Northwood Tech counselor (academic admission requirements apply)
2024-25 Dental Assistant Additional Program Information
2024-25 Dental Assistant Additional Program Information-Transfer Track
Program-Specific Requirements
Submit Background Check fee
Have an acceptable Wisconsin Caregiver Background Check, National Criminal Background Check, Minnesota Caregiver Background Check (if applicable), and another state, if applicable
Pass a physical exam, have current immunizations and demonstrate negative status for tuberculosis (Tb)
COVID vaccination---highly recommended
NOTE: Northwood Technical College cannot guarantee clinical placement or ability to progress in the program if a student is not able to meet the clinical site requirements including but not limited to; influenza vaccine, covid vaccine, negative tb skin test or QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT) or T-SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot), up to date acceptable background check, or any other clinical requirements required by the clinical site. Northwood Technical College cannot guarantee clinical placement if the clinical site must be changed due to students inability to meet the site specific requirements. Many sites require the student information 4-6 weeks prior to the clinical start date.
Possess current certification of 'BLS Basic Life Support'
Review and sign Health Sciences Confidentiality Statement
Review and sign dental office visit form
Review and sign dental assistant program permission form
Participate in a mandatory program orientation session
2024-2025 Dental Assistant Student Handbook
- Health Sciences Policies
- HS-i Work-based Learning Terms
- HS-ii Code of Conduct
- HS-01 Northwood Tech Mission, Vision, Values, & Tenets
- HS-02 Rules and Regulations-Student Signature
- HS-03 Safety Accountability Statement-Student Signature
- HS-04 Bloodborne Pathogen Risk Statement
- HS-05 CDC Guidelines and Links
- HS-06 Standard Precautions Chart
- HS-07 Exposure Control Procedures (Needle stick)
- HS-08 Performance-Based Instruction
- HS-09 Student Responsibilities
- HS-10 Responsibility of the Learner
- HS-11 Test-Taking
- HS-12 Studying Hints
- HS-13 Important Dispositions for Critical Thinkers
- HS-14 Good Thinking vs. Poor Thinking
- HS-15 Computer Information
- HS-16 Communication Guidelines
- HS-17 Confidentiality-HIPAA
- HS-18 Transfer Credit
- HS-19 Witnessing Legal Documents
- HS-20 Health Status
- HS-21 Health Form
- HS-22 BLS-Medic 1st Aid Requirements
- HS-23 Course Expectations for Assignments
- HS-24 Professional Expectations and Dress Code
- HS-25 Grading Policy
- HS-26 Improvement Plan
- HS-27 Academic Appeals Procedures
- HS-28 Automatic Program Dismissal
- HS-29 Complaints Concerning Health Sciences Programs
- DA Program Policies
- DA-01 2024-25 Catalog Page & Course Descriptions
- DA-02 2024-25 Required Courses
- DA-03 Program Assessment Plan-Goals
- DA-04 Program Outcomes
- DA-05 Program Prerequisites and Progression
- DA-06 Accreditation-DANB Certification
- DA-07 Background Checks
- DA-08 Attendance Requirements and Absences
- DA-09 Academic Requirements
- DA-10 Proctoring Exams
- DA-11 Verifying Course Competency
- DA-12 Failing Grades
- DA-13 Fail Course Repeat Policy
- DA-14 Withdrawal from DA Courses
- DA-15 DA Reentry into Program
- DA-16 Dismissal Policy
- DA-17 Clinical Policy
- DA-18 Volunteer Hours Form
- DA-19 Clinical Performance Evaluation
- DA-20 DA Graduation Requirements
Dental Assistant Orientation - Fall 2024
2024-25 DA Student Paperwork Checklist Print this to do list.
2024-25 DA Required Courses Required Courses are to be used as a guide. Although your academic advisor can provide guidance, you are ultimately responsible for selecting courses that meet a program's graduation requirements.
- Background Checks
- The clinical agencies that host the Northwood Tech DA students for clinical courses have significantly increased their demands for background check scrutiny over the past several years. We want to ensure students understand, prior to the start of the program, that if there are no clinical agencies that will accept the student based on the background check history, the student must be excused from the DA program, regardless of the student's academic standing. This is explained in further detail in the Background Check Disclosure form listed above, under Admission Requirements.
- All DA students are required to complete a Wisconsin Caregiver Background Check, and a National Criminal Background Check, which must be completed through Verified Credentials, LLC.
- In addition to that, if you are a student who will complete a clinical rotation in Minnesota, you will also be required to complete a Minnesota Caregiver Background Check. Your Program Instructor/Advisor will inform you if a Minnesota background check is needed.
- MN Department of Human Services (DHS) Background Studies
- The MN Dept. of Health Services NETStudy 2.0 background study requires all persons who provide services to children and vulnerable adults to be fingerprinted and photographed.
- Students will be required to provide Northwood Tech a copy of an Acceptable Form of ID for DHS Background studies (scroll down to What documents can be used to verify ID?), the completed Minnesota Caregiver Background Check and $44.
- Northwood Tech staff will verify the information provided and enter it into the MN DHS website. Background Study subjects will receive an email from IDEMIA-IdentoGO that includes an individual specific tracking number called a Universal Enrollment Identification (UE ID). The email will be sent within a few minutes of the background study application being submitted in NETStudy 2.0 by the provider. The email includes instructions for study subjects to use IDEMIA-IdentoGO's pre-enrollment system and information on locating a fingerprint location.
- Students MUST present a form of ID to be fingerprinted and photographed and will be required to pay the $10.50 fee at the fingerprint and photo location.
- Within 14 days of receiving the email from IDEMIA-IdentoGO, students must be fingerprinted and photographed. If not completed within 14 days, the above process and fee payment will need to be repeated.
- Background Study Notice of Privacy Practices
- After background checks are completed, students are expected to self report any changes.
- Health Form and Directions
- 1. Complete the HS Health Form and save it.
- 2. Follow instructions on the form for submission.
- DA Policies
- Professional Expectations-Dress Code
- Your ID Name Badge can be ordered using the Student ID Request Form.
- You may order from the uniform vendor of your choice, but you must have the items listed.
- Professional Expectations-Dress Code
- Complete and Give to Instructor
- DA Functional Abilities Disclosure - See the form listed above, under Admission Requirements. Read the functions and initial/sign the last page as described. Submit to instructor by designated due date.
- Health Sciences Confidentiality Statement
- DA Computer Skills Checklist
- DA Student Information
- Dental Office Visit Record
- DA Program Student Orientation Opinion Survey
- DA Program Dental Provider Permission Form
- DA Program Dental Practice Shadow Form
- BLS Basic Life Support Course Offerings
- Please see Program Director for course offerings through Northwood Tech
- When seeking courses from other entities, please note: courses must include face-to-face components and include BLS/AED for Healthcare Provider.
- Additional Information
- Dental Assistant Program FAQs
- 2024-25 DA Program Technology Needs
- 2024-25 DA Program Cost Sheet
- 2024-25 DA Program Textlist
- Insurance Information
- ADAA Membership The Northwood Tech Dental Assistant program recommends all students become members of the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA).
- Student Biographical Change Request Please print and use this form if you change your name, address, or phone number(s). You should submit it to your local Student Services to be certain that the changes are entered in the main computer system.
Dental Assistant Withdrawal
- Instructions for Withdrawal from DA Core Courses
- If you are on this web page, your DA Academic Advisor has been notified that you dropped your DA core (508-XXX) courses.
- If you withdraw from your DA core (508-XXX) courses, the DA program would like to gather data regarding your decision to withdraw. This data is useful in the DA planning process. Thank you for providing this information.
- Please carefully review the Withdrawal from the DA Program form. Please complete the form and email it to megen.elliott@NorthwoodTech.edu or print and mail this form within one month of your exiting the program to the following address:
Megen Elliott
Northwood Technical College
1900 College Dr.
Rice Lake, WI 54868- If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Megen Elliott, DA Program Director, at megen.elliott@NorthwoodTech.edu or 715-788-7150.
- If you are on this web page, your DA Academic Advisor has been notified that you dropped your DA core (508-XXX) courses.
Technology Requirements
If using Macintosh or Linux based computers, coursework must be submitted using your Office365 tools provided with your Northwood Tech email account. It is important to verify with your Program Faculty if non-Windows based computers are acceptable in the program.