How can we help you?
This page is your one-stop-shop for information about how to register for Northwood Tech Continuing Education classes, as well as other important information, policies and commonly asked questions.
There have been reports of some people not receiving the College's emails since the email domain changed to “northwoodtech.edu." Please check for emails from Northwood Tech by searching for the “northwoodtech.edu” domain in your spam and junk folder. Businesses and organizations can ask their IT department to add our domain to the “whitelist." Students and personal emails: mark Northwood Tech emails as “safe” or “not junk/spam.”
Campus Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
- Where can I pick up a catalog?
- You may pick up a catalog from any Northwood Tech campus or complete the catalog request form and a copy will be mailed to you.
- What is a non-credit or non-degree course?
- A non-degree or non-credit course is a class you would take for personal enrichment, professional development, certification, licensure or for informational purposes. Non-degree or non-credit also means that these classes will not transfer or have a credit value for any technical diploma, two-year or four-year degree here or at other degree institutions.
- When do classes start?
- Fall courses are in session September through December. Most spring non-degree courses run late January through May. Summer classes are held June through August.
- How are Online, Online Live and Hybrid classes different?
Online courses are offered via the Internet and accessed by using a web browser. Course content is delivered online, with deadlines, but no set meeting times. You can access the course at any time. Offline supervised tests/exams at specified sites may be conducted in conjunction with these courses.
Online Live courses are courses offered through the internet live from anywhere. Connect with your instructor and classmates during live classes via the web.
Hybrid courses leverage the best of on site, online, and/or online live instructional formats. Courses are delivered via a combination of modes, based on specific class content.
- When should I register?
- Registering early is the best way to insure that your course will be held as scheduled. Be sure to register at least two weeks prior to the start of class. Classes fill rapidly, and are filled on a first come basis. If fewer than ten (10) students enroll in a class, it may be canceled. The decision to cancel a class due to insufficient registrations will be made within a week prior to the start of the class.
- Will I receive a confirmation or reminder about class?
- If you register online, Northwood Tech will notify you by email to confirm your enrollment. However, if you register by other methods, you will not receive confirmation. Mark your calendar for the dates, time and location of your classes. There have been reports of some people not receiving the College's emails since the email domain changed to “northwoodtech.edu." Please check for emails from Northwood Tech by searching for the “northwoodtech.edu” domain in your spam and junk folder. Businesses and organizations can ask their IT department to add our domain to the “whitelist." Students and personal emails: mark Northwood Tech emails as “safe” or “not junk/spam.”
Age Requirements
- Can students age 16 and under enroll in classes?
- 1989 Wisconsin Act 24 allows Northwood Technical College to enroll persons age 16 or under in classes. The law provides that persons under age 16 must meet regular admission criteria, provide written permission of parent or guardian, and not attend classes during the normal school day.
- When am I eligible for the Senior Fee Waiver?
- For life & leisure courses (the catalog number begins with 60), the senior fee waiver provides up to a 40% discount. (Amount varies based on material fees.) Student's age must be 62 plus at the start of the term (6/1 for summer, 8/27 for fall and 12/26 for spring). Sample catalog number: 60-815-605
- For professional courses (catalog number begins with 42 or 47), students ages 62 plus by the first date of class are exempt from program fees under State Statute 38.24 (1)(b) and are only required to pay the material fee, which is approximately $4.50 for many courses. Sample catalog numbers: 42-810-415 and 47-531-405
Books and Supplies
- Do I need to purchase books or extra supplies for my class?
- In some classes, students are expected to purchase textbooks and/or other supplies. For complete details, please review the Class Description and Class Notes for your class(es), or contact Continuing Education at the campus nearest you.
Cancelled Classes
- What if I need to cancel?
- If your plans change and you can’t attend class, you need to notify the Continuing Education office at the Northwood Tech campus prior to the start date of your class. We'll give you a 100 percent refund.
- What if Northwood Tech cancels a class?
- Northwood Tech will make every effort to inform students when classes must be cancelled. It is important to keep the telephone numbers and email addresses associated with your student record up-to-date with Student Services. If there is low enrollment in a class, we will cancel or postpone the class. If we have to cancel your class, we'll give you a 100 percent refund. If you don't hear from us, your class will meet as scheduled.
- How will I know if there is a weather-related cancellation?
- If a campus is closed due to inclement weather, it will be posted on the Northwood Tech homepage. In this case, all classes at that location are cancelled.
Accommodation Services
- How can I request accommodations for persons with disabilities?
- Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made to ensure access to academic programs, activities, services and employment in accordance with 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008. If accommodations are needed, the student should contact the campus Accommodations Specialist or Amanda Gohde, Director, Human Resources, Equal Opportunity/Access & Affirmative Action Officer, at 715.645.7042, 30 days in advance of needed assistance.
Right to Know Campus Safety Brochure
Payment & Refunds
- When is payment due?
- Payment in full must be received at the time of registration. By enrolling in classes, you agree to be responsible for the payment of related tuition and fees according to the college payment policy. Should you choose not to attend a class, you will need to drop it prior to the day it begins to avoid any charges. Any drops that occur on or after the first day of class will result in tuition charges to your account. Failure to pay your tuition bill can result in suspension of registration and records access, collection agency action and additional collection fees added to your balance.
- Will I receive a refund if I drop a class?
- 100 percent refunds will be issued to students who drop the class prior to class start date.
Northwood Tech does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. The following person manages inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Amanda Gohde, Associate VP; 1900 College Drive, Rice Lake, WI 54868; Amanda.Gohde@NorthwoodTech.edu; 715.645.7042.