Digital Badging

Digital credentials are fast becoming THE CURRENCY OF CHOICE in an international marketplace of KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS.

First Digital Badge Recipients in New Richmond
Digital Badge Students in Superior

Northwood Tech's 1st digital badge recipients - Business Essentials badge earned in Business Management program

Digital Badge Info

  • What are digital badges? 
    • A digital badge is a verified achievement indicator of accomplishment, skill quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments.
    • Northwood Tech awards the badges through a national company, Credly, which certifies the authenticity. 
    • When a student claims their badge, it can then be linked to their social media profiles or featured on employment applications, portfolios and websites. 
    • Digital badges can also be used as talking points during job interviews and provide the badge recipient a way to stand out from other candidates. 
    • To check out a list of programs that offer digital badging, head over to view our Degree Programs and Certificates page and look for thisdigital badge symbol. 
  • How is displaying my badge useful?
    • Your digital badge is a verified achievement indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments.
    • Take credit for your abilities while increasing your chances of being noticed by potential employers and colleges by displaying your badge on Linkedin, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), digital portfolio sites and other online destinations to showcase your specific skills.
    • Your badge(s) show a commitment to growth and learning.
  • Why use digital badges?
    • The viral marketing impact is ENORMOUS:
      • Elevate yourself on resumes
      • Broadcast achievements on college scholarship applications and essays
      • Develop your personal brand
      • Increase your visibility

Explore the selection of digital badges offered at Northwood Tech on Credly.




"I have something to show, and I'm only a quarter of the way done with a two-year program. It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job, and it's just something to show that my hard work is being acknowledged." ~ Pierson Goodreau, Northwood Tech digital badge recipient

Northwood Tech Digital Badge Recipient



Northwood Tech Digital Badging Publications

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