Will Fisher

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Will Fisher | Welding

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Will Fisher
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U.S. Army Veteran. 

Will served in the U.S. Army A CO 1/128 Infantry and was deployed from 2004-2005. His time in the military provided a strong platform for personal improvement, and a dedication for never settling for mediocrity.

Enhancing experience. 

When asked about the most valuable asset received from his education, Will indicated that the hands-on experience was invaluable to helping him learn and develop new skills.

Focusing forward.

Will’s current endeavors are part of a long-term goal of retirement. Each class takes him one step closer to realizing his dream of retirement and the opportunity to enjoy his life built on a foundation of financial security.

Utilizing unions.

Part of Will’s long-term goals will involve participation in Trade Unions. The Trades are a great opportunity to become part of a greater system that focuses on equity in the workplace – specifically where workers’ rights and fair wages are concerned.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to experience success? Northwood Tech staff are standing by to support you in reaching your educational and career goals, so do it. Take the leap.