Jeff Engelbretson

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Jeff standing cross-armed in a stockroom with his staff behind him
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Jeff Engelbretson

Management and Leadership

Jeff standing cross-armed in a stockroom with his staff behind him
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Jeff Engelbretson
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The right fit. 

Jeff got a flyer from Northwood Tech after deploying to Iraq and thought he'd check out the Management and Leadership program. After hitting it off with his instructor and taking his first class with other working adult students, he knew it was the right fit. 

Classes around his schedule. 

The evening classes allowed Jeff to be active in the Army National Guard and a part-time student, taking one class per semester on average with his military tuition assistance. 

Starting a new life. 

Jeff spent 25 years in the military before retiring and taking on his new career. He says the people skills and learning how to create a good working environment were the most helpful in his transition to civilian-life management. 

A strong foundation. 

Within two years of working at Verizon, Jeff was promoted to management where he managed three staging facilities and about 30 employees throughout the Midwest. He also was able to transfer all of his Northwood Tech credits to continue his education and obtain a bachelor's degree. 

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to experience success? Northwood Tech staff are standing by to support you in reaching your educational and career goals, so do it. Take the leap.