René Bylander

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René Bylander IT - Web & Software Developer Instructor


Rene Bylander working with students
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René Bylander
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Air Force veteran. 

René is a veteran of the United States Air Force as an F-16 aircraft mechanic. The Air Force helped form René's teaching skills such as attention to detail, patience and mentorship. 

Passionate about teaching. 

René is passionate about teaching and loves working at Northwood Tech. She describes the culture at the College as friendly and student centric. 

Proud to work at Northwood Tech.

As a third generation veteran, René is proud that Northwood Tech has earned the Military Friendly® School Designation for over five consecutive years. 

Achieving excellence. 

René believes that her military service taught her that with proper training, self discipline and desire, you can achieve excellence. 

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to experience success? Northwood Tech staff are standing by to support you in reaching your educational and career goals, so do it. Take the leap.