Amanda Koteras-Piper

Rice Lake

Headshot of Amanda Koteras


Email Amanda Koteras-Piper


1900 College Drive, Rice Lake, WI 54868

"Everyone takes turns in being a student, teacher, and thinker in the classroom, therefore I aim to learn from students as much as they learn from me.” 


Bachelor of Science, UW-Oshkosh

Master of Arts, Lakeland University


Amanda Koteras-Piper worked in the human services field for 10 years, most recently as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has significant experience working with children ages three and into adulthood who have experienced complex trauma. She has extensive training in anxiety, depression, life transitions and relation/familiar struggles with further training in topics involving trauma, gender spectrum competence, self-injury, treating substance abuse and outreach prevention. Her level of training has prepared Amanda to not only work with a wide range of individuals, yet also assisting future professionals on their career paths within the field.

In the classroom, Amanda strives to create an atmosphere of warmth, compassion, genuineness and respect where students feel safe to learn and grow free from judgment. Amanda believes that all students are individuals and learn in their own unique way; as a result, she utilizes several methods of teaching to ensure that she reaches each student.

In her spare time, Amanda enjoys spending time outdoors and with her family, playing with animals, reading, traveling and attending sporting events.

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