Deborah Kutrieb
Rice Lake

Dean of Skilled Trades, Rice Lake
M.S., University of Wisconsin-Stout
B.A., University of Iowa
A.A.S., Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Cert., AutoCAD 2012
Cert., Autodesk Revit 2012
My primary goal is to provide the best opportunities possible for our Northwood Tech students to succeed. To that end, I work closely with faculty at our Rice Lake campus on ways to improve student engagement. I love seeing successful instructional strategies almost as much as I enjoy sharing them amongst the faculty.
In addition to working closely with individual instructors, I have a number of collegewide responsibilities that include co-facilitating New Faculty Orientation (NFO), coordinating the college’s Faculty Mentoring program, and refining academic advising. With NFO and the Faculty Mentoring program, I have the honor of starting our newly-hired faculty on their path toward instructional excellence. My role with academic advising involves working with key people in Academic Affairs, Student Services, and Institutional Effectiveness to make a good process even better.
Prior to my current role, I was an instructor in the Architectural Commercial Design program for 17 years and, before that, an architectural drafter at several architectural firms in northern Wisconsin and the Twin Cities.