Law Enforcement Management Conference
Training Notice
April 15 - 17, 2025
Flat Creek Hotel and Conference Center
Hayward, WI 54843
Course Description:
The Northwood Technical College Law Enforcement Management Conference has occurred each year for over twenty years. The conference was developed for the purpose of providing tailored training to leaders in the law enforcement profession. Leaders can be the executives of an agency, including sheriffs, chiefs and their commanders, or first line leaders including lieutenants and sergeants. Leaders may also include those informal leaders that exist in every agency regardless of rank.
The 2025 LE Management Conference agenda was established to provide specific training to assist our law enforcement executives and leaders, and their agencies, meet the challenges occurring and developing. The Conference will deliver 24 hours of critical training.
Important - please note:
By enrolling in classes, you agree to be responsible for the payment of related tuition and fees according to the college payment policy. Should you choose not to attend a class, you will need to drop it prior to the day it begins to avoid any charges. Any drops that occur on or after the first day of class will result in tuition charges to your account. Failure to pay your tuition bill can result is suspension of registration and records access, collection agency action and additional collection fees added to your balance.
Fee: $225
Please complete the form below, save the file, attach them to an email and send to Jennifer Ruid
Flat Creek Inn and Conference Center
10290 Highway 27 South
Hayward, WI 54843
Conference sponsored by Northwood Technical College and Wisconsin Department of Justice, Training & Standards Bureau.