Law Enforcement
Continuing Education
Ashland, New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior
Law Enforcement Classes
Northwood Tech can assist with your organization's training needs. The list below is just a sample of training idea or specialized law enforcement topics we could offer.
Types of Courses:
- Basic Drug Investigation
- Investigating drug cases, identification of drugs, informant development, controlled deliveries, interviewing subjects.
- Basic Radar
- Use of radar and associated technologies. This course leads to certification of successful attends.
- Basic Evidence Technician
- Topics include: crime scene evaluations, photographing a crime scene, making useful diagrams, collecting and preservation of evidence. Hands on crime scenes.
- Computer Crimes Course
- Three-day hands on lab. Forensic information on Myspace and Facebook. Collection of computers at crime scenes and collecting and abating evidence from them. Computer disks are issued that can be used at your department.
- Dispatch Telecommunicator Course
- New techniques and proven methods for emergency call takers. Dealing with stress, handling officer down calls, crisis negation, are just some of the topics covered.
- Drug Interdiction
- Identifying drug dealers, couriers, methods of patrol used to stop the illegal flow of drugs. This is a hand’s on course including searching techniques for vehicles.
- Drugs That Impair
- Recommend ion of drugs and an in depth look at how the human body response to these drugs. Observable indictors of drug use.
- Fulfills ACT eighty-eight, 4 hour blocks in classroom and hands on emergency driving skills, mandatory training every other year.
- Firearms Instruction
- Multiple day courses comprehensive in nature leading to certification as a firearms instructor. Hands on including several days at a range for shooting and qualification skills.
- Hostage Negotiations
- This course deals with hostage situations and stress’s the abilities of officers to bring these situations to a successful conclusion many methods and techniques will be introduced. Federal Bureau of Investigation provided instructors.
- Investigator In-service
- Three day school covering varies of topics to help detectives and investigators work cases more successfully. Several major cases including death investigation and sexual assaults are routinely presented.
- Interview and Interrogation
- Two day course with Federal Bureau of Investigation instructors. Different methods and techniques of interviewing and interrogating will be presented to help officers become more successful at the art of the interview.
- Jail Academy
- 200 hours academy utilizing Training and Standards curriculum. Trains students for day to day jail operations, learn by doing.
- Jail Officer In-service
- Three day school with varied topics relating to improving the day to day activities of a jailer. Topics can include: cell extraction, talking to inmates, POSC.
- Law Enforcement Academy
- 720 hour course. Using Training and Standards curriculum. All levels of patrol operations are taught to prepare students to be law enforcement officers. Hands on.
- Leadership Development
- Five day course covering in depth topics such as: management styles, ethics, best practices, dealing effectively with employees. Good for new and experienced supervisors.
- Legal Update
- Newest case law covering DUI arrest, expert testimony and other topics relating to the latest case laws.
- Management Conferences
- Four day conference at Barker’s Island, Superior, I. Excellent course for upper management. Topics range from employee relations to Union and Labor laws, and helpful procedures to run your department.
- Officer Survival
- Three days, including live fire drills, room clearing, high risk traffic stops, and surviving a gun fight. DATT/Counter measure and lots of hands on.
- Patrol Officer In-service
- Three days, with varied topics each year brings new information to officers on the street to improve their performance.
- Patrol Weapons Training - Night Shoot
- Opportunities to sharpen firearm skills. Lots of firearm exercises and techniques are taught.
- Rural SWAT
- Designed for new and experienced personnel, very involved 5 day course with sceneries. Individual and team practice.
- Sex Crimes Seminar
- Three day course, with variety of topics, including pedophilia, internet sex crimes against children, interview and interrogation techniques, and putting a case together for successful prosecution.
- Supervisor Conferences
- Each conference is 3 days in length. One for Jail Supervisors, and one for Law Enforcement Supervisors, Varied topics include dealing with problem employees, improving leadership skills, team building.
- Computerized accident and citation format, training will teach officers how to enter information and send directly to Madison. Hands on practice. Flash-drives provided, becoming standardized format throughout the state.
Helpful links
Northwood Criminal Justice Studies program
Learn about this associate degree program.
Northwood Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement 720 Academy
Learn about the 720-hour Law Enforcement Academy.
Find information regarding law enforcement employment, standards and training.