Vickie Kuruz
New Richmond

Associate Degree, Nursing, Northwood Technical College
Associate Degree, Biology, UW-Eau Claire
I have worked in long term care nursing for over 30 years and have supervised numerous nursing assistants.
The Nursing Assistant program will teach you the skills to care for an aging parent or grandparent. You will be able to assist an injured friend or relative with their recovery. With your learned therapeutic touch you can comfort a patient on Hospice care. Job opportunities are continuing to open up for certified nursing assistance. Would you enjoy working in a hospital and caring for new mothers in the OB ward? Would you like to work in a clinic and assist patients? If you enjoy working in a hospital, caring for new mothers in the OB ward and and enjoy people, then the nursing assistant class is for you.
The nursing assistant class is basically divided into two sections. Theory/practice and then hands on with real patients. It gives me great joy to watch the students grow and put everything they learned altogether and be able to apply it.
In my spare time, I take care of my chickens, mini cows and horses on my 40 acre hobby farm. I also have a very large vegetable garden, a small orchard with apple, cherry, pear and plum trees. I also raise Siamese fighting fish. I love car shows two and have two classic cars that I'm restoring. I have six grandchildren, two of which are twins. There is always something going on with them to join in on. I love what I am doing.